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Simple Image File Optimization Tricks To Boost Your SEO Big Time!


How do you optimize an image properly for your web site, blog or podcast? It may seem like there’s a simple answer but unfortunately, like so many queries, there’s many variables to consider. For instance, the techniques to optimize an image file vary from file formats and are different for JPG and PNG files quite a bit. I’ve created a video from a recorded Zoom call I recently did to help train one of my clients podcast team in how to optimize images properly and save her website which entered an SEO nosedive about 6 months ago due to improper file sizes, improper title tags and file naming… among other mistakes.

It’s easy to make these mistakes but hard to find the solutions until now. Lutz Media is proud to present a 10 minute, bite sized SEO tutorial for one of the most elusive quandaries to haunt marketers since the Print Ad. Sit back and grab a notebook, or open a Word doc. The information provided here just may save your job!

Notice this featured image for this blog post for instance. It’s 143KB and crystal clear! How did I do it?? Watch the video below to not only find out how, but learn a bunch of amazing tips and tricks to boost your overall SEO right now and get your GTMetrix score up a full letter grade in 15 minutes.

Click the button below for the original notes document I created for the Susie Carder team. This document has lots of helpful data, tips and tricks for optimizing your website, blog or podcast to today’s industry standards.

Below are a few helpful infographics I dound to be extremely helpful in your searech for an optimized website, blog or podcast.

image optimization

Artifacts, such as wavelike patterns or blocky areas of banding, are created each time you save an image in JPEG format. Therefore, you should always save JPEG files from the original image, not from a previously saved JPEG.

JPEG image compression is called lossy because it selectively discards image data. A higher quality setting results in less data being discarded, but the JPEG compression method may still degrade sharp detail in an image, particularly in images containing type or vector art.

GTMetrix is a website that provides a free scan and data on your website.

TinyPng is a Fantastic website for free file compression.

Smush is another great image optimization plugin that smushes file sizes and is capable of bulk smushing your whole media library. Be careful though, this is NOT a bandaid for lack of knowledge and it can only do so much! Only YOU can properly label your files and title tags and the lite (non-premium) version only compresses so much.

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